Dreaming of sick rigs

Dreaming of sick rigs

I'm not sure about you but I spent my childhood grounded, not like "connected to terra", but imprisoned by my mother. My mean ass stepmom would make me sit in my room to stare at the walls, she called it restriction.  When restricted, all there was to do was stare at the amazing Italian beauties adorning my walls. I would obsess about every line, curve, and statistic of each of those Italian hotties.   

The truth is, my kid car obsession was probably more of a healthy distraction from my shitty childhood more than anything. Man, I bet nobody realized I was just creating obsession to get away from a youth riddled with adult mistakes and abuse. 

My adopted dad was always amazed at my ability to remember automotive statistics. Well, Dad, it is a lot better than remembering the alternative, at least in that moment. I’ll have the rest of my life to manage that past.

Thanks for reading, maybe this was a glimpse into your childhood, too. I hope you feel as fortunate as I do for every breath

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